The Power of Networking

The Power of Networking

Networking, in its basic form, involves engaging and connecting with others. Its sole aim is to make it easier for you to achieve your objectives. This is a common strategy for business people to expand their horizons and audience reach by building solid relationships with individuals in different fields that will benefit the business. However, building a reliable network does not happen mysteriously, and there needs to be something about you that others would find enticing. As a successful businessman, Grant Kelley did not get to where he is by being an island; it resulted from creating robust networks. Here are three strategies to put a laser focus on your networking efforts.

What are you offering?

Before expecting anything from anybody, you also need to have something to offer. Showing that you are a person of value with lots of benefits as a connection will make your networking journey very smooth. Before you go to an event with new networks, consider what you can and are willing to offer to others. Providing recommendations and opportunities for your networks will speak volumes of you as a person and bring many more connections. 

Establish common ground

Meeting the right set of people is essential to your business growth, but that is not the ultimate. You must establish a common ground to turn an acquaintance into a true, long-lasting connection. Common ground helps the acquaintance to remember you even after a long time. There is no formula for this, but looking for a business situation you overcame is usually best. Something like an issue you both encountered during start-up that almost collapsed your business and how you both triumphed. On another option, it doesn’t need to be about business, and you can establish common grounds on a hobby or a recent trip you both made. The idea is to find something you both share to discuss the next time you meet.

Utilize Social Media platforms

Social media platforms are a powerful networking tool, and the benefit is that they are at our disposal. You need to be active on any platform of your choice; being active supersedes getting involved in every communication. It transcends to having a good profile that speaks volumes of your worth as a person and posting relevant things to people in your field and beyond. 

Final Thoughts

Networking is all about forming the right relationships, but this is not an inclination to be overly selective with who you connect. While you might want to connect with only people with big titles whom you feel have the capacity to transform your business in the long run, it is equally important to connect with those you share a common interest with, regardless of title. Engage with your network, share valuable resources and opportunities with them, and let the relationship grow symbiotic. Networking is not limited to official places alone, network everywhere. Whether at a coffee shop, a book club or on a golf course, you can find a networking opportunity which should not be neglected. Be on the lookout for something new each day and be open to establishing connections with people regardless of who they are.

For more information, visit: Grant Kelly