Here are Our 5 Tips To Sing Your Hear Out With a Guitar!

So you want to break through your barrier of shyness and play guitar while you sing like a rock star. Here are some of the tips you can keep in mind.

1. Simplify the process

Just focus on one little part of a song at a time.
a. Divide the song into sections (verse, chorus, bridge) and then divide into subsections
b. After mastering this section move to the next part.

2. Laser focus

You need to practice guitar and singing separetly
a. For example, until you are confident about the guitar part, it will be nearly impossible to add vocals while playing.
b. Focus only on one element of the music. For example just focus on singing the notes while strumming the guitar. Don’t also try to focus on rhythm, breathing, dynamics, etc. while you are first learning to play and sing a song.

3. Dont Complicate

Melody can be simple of complex. When you’re practicing keep it simple and grow from that point on

a. Start playing the guitar in rhythm, simply strum one chord, sing the line, then switch to the next chord and sing the next line
b. Keep things simple at the early stage of combining guitar and voice

4. Automate

Repetition is the key and try to hum and strum at the same time.

a. If you do not know which part is next, this will trip you up and make it take much longer to play and sing. Memorize little passages so you know what is coming up and can isolate your focus
b. The more you can do on autopilot (i.e. strum, incorporate dynamics, sing the lyrics, etc.), the more you can focus on higher level musical elements and perform the song with style, passion, and authenticity.

5. Visualize and execute

Visualize yourself playing and singing the song. Even if you’re making mistakes, keep playing till the end and finish the song.

a. Follow the path and visualise the song and map out all the strums and melodies associated with the song.
b. Once you’re done with that then practice , practice and more